Saturday, October 6, 2007

Soccer Kids!!

The kids love to do anything outside!! Bailey started playing soccer last year in St. Cloud and it was quite a learning experience. She was more interested in chasing butterflies than the soccer ball. We had heard from other parents that it was a first year thing. Boy was I glad they were right (not that I don't want her chasing butterflies, but if she is out there supposed to be doing something else-it is good to have your eye on the prize ,or ball in this instance) This year I enrolled Bailey and Braxton in the soccer league in Macon. They are both just doing an amazing job. Bailey is so much more focused and is really learning how to play the game. I must say though she does have quite an amazing coach. (her coach is actually a supermodel that is pretending to know the game of soccer!!! HA HA!!!) Well guess what......I am her coach. They have a lot of teams on her age level so they asked the parents to volunteer and help out, so there I was!!! It is fun. It is great that she wants me to coach her!!! Braxton is doing a great job. He practices with Bailey's team as well and is quite competitive with them. He does really well with the other kids in his age group as well. Well.... I just wanted to let you know one of the things that the Ansbaugh kids do in their spare time!!


justgottalaugh said...

Last comment you were Betty Crocker. This time it's Cindy Crawford meets Mia Hamm :) You're my hero... especially when you're Steff :) Thanks for the pics. Great!!!!!

Jonatha said...

Those kids are too cute. I love looking at your pretty family! Bailey is always "picture perfect". It must be hard for you being a supermodel at those practices, the autographs probably take up tons of time! I had no idea you were so close to Macon - it's nice to have a location :)