Thursday, August 14, 2008

Prego Update.

Nothing happening. Went for another check-up today. He said I was 1-2 but nothing much else.

Anxiously waiting!!!!! Was hoping would be a little early and have this one on the 20th for my dad's birthday-who knows!!


Stef Layton said...

good luck - praying for easy delivery!

Sandy Chastain said...

Hey- sorry it has been a while. My summer was packed with the children's program and being pregnant. I am glad to hear you guys are doing well. I can't seem to find your email address - Can you send it to me? Lilly has a colored picture for Bailey. Keep updating so I can watch for a new baby and maybe visit at the hospital.
sandy chastain

Jess Marie said...

any update? anything stirring with baby ansbaugh?

Jennifer said...

How exciting! Boy does time fly by.........we are in the midst of a tropical storm warning right now. Kids are home and playing games. I'm taking advantage of a non running around day. LOL Hope all is going well. Say hi to Chad, Bailey and Braxton! Oh that just made me think..........will baby #3 have a 'B' name?? Hmmmm