Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am officiallly from the south.

Well it happened yesterday. I fried something. I dont think I would ever say that I have fried anything after losing weight several years ago and trying to eat somewhat healthy. Now I eat fried things occasionally when I go out to eat of course, but never in my kitchen had anything been fried. When hubby and I got married I thought it was so cool that we got one of those little fry daddy things as a gift and those honeymoon pounds sure came on quick. Well this one time was purely experimental. There is this amazing couple at our church that has just blessed us beyond belief with produce from their garden. Well when I went over this Sunday to get some tomatoes, apples, and pears, she also gave me a bag of okra. I have only had okra fried and that was just on occasion, so I thought I would try to fry it. It actually wasnt too bad-I only had a few pieces. I also roasted some too with olive oil and salt and pepper but that wasnt quite as tasty of course. Oh to add to the southern cooking I also stewed some apples (made like a chunky homemade applesauce). So that concludes my southern living cooking for middle Georgia for today-now back to your regulary scheduled programming!!!

By the way-can you belive that ticker is at 20 days. I went to the dr. last Friday and they did a sonogram and they estimated the baby is already 7lbs 4 oz. Both of my other children were 7-12 and 7-13, so this one could definately pass them both up. I think I am ready. I am ready to get some consistent sleep-I will even take 2 hours at a time. My sleep at night for the past 3 weeks has been nil. I cant sleep laying down until around 3am so that means I lay sitting straight up which is nothing too exciting. I am thankful that I can sleep sitting up though-it's just not the dream sleep that I was hoping for these last weeks before baby comes, but as I have heard this is God's way of getting me used to those crazy nights. If that's all I have to do to gain a miracle of life then by golly I will be a restless sleeper in a heartbeat.


Jonatha said...

I just have to tell you this - I grew up eating fried apples. It is still one of my favorite foods and I order it each time we eat at Cracker Barrel! Fried food is a rare treat for us as well, but certain things are only good when fried (like your okra!). You go you southern girl!

I can't believe your little one is almost here! It seems like such a short time since we went to eat!

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

I am truly a "suthuner" in every sense of the word, but I gotta tell you, I'm SCARED out of my witts to fry things. I'm so afraid I will catch the kitchen on fire! I tried to fry okra once. Or as my grandma calls it, okrie. Notice I said, "Tried". I was not successful. It's harder than it looks.

Michael Roark said...

I fried some okra a while back, but my daughters and wife, all being from Southern California, didn't take so well to it. The closest Cracker Barrel is hundreds of miles away in Phoenix. Be grateful your family is southern too.
P.S. I bought a little kitchen fire extinguisher at the Home Depot for like $16. Makes it easier to 'expiriment'