Monday, February 4, 2008

Super News!!

I apologize for the hiatus in blogging but just havent felt myself lately. Why, you ask???? Well........................there is going to be another Ansbaugh entering the world around September 1!! I am pregnant!!! We are so excited-the kids are so excited!! I am 10 weeks today!! I have been feeling very hormonal the last couple of weeks. It has been an all day sickness so that is why I have been so lazy with my posting. It is starting to fade a little bit so housework is starting to get done again. (I'm sure Chad is thankful for that!!) I have also been very picky in what I have been eating too. It is so interesting how each pregnancy has been so different. When we told the kids a couple of weeks ago, Braxton woke up the next morning and said if it's a girl we should name her Twinkle, and Bailey said Betsy!! Kids are too cute!!


ptamom3 said...

YEAH!!! I'm so happy for you and I bet the kids are very excited and will come up with more funny names along the way. I hope your sickness starts to fade for you and I look forward to your blogs so I was thrilled to get on here and find a new one! God Bless you and this pregnancy! I know he/she will be a great addition to your already wonderful family!

justgottalaugh said...

I think if it''s a girl she should be named after her favorite aunt. Well, she does have quite a few aunts so how 'bout pleasing us all and going with Kithmy Vanmikah? I think it will sound perfect with an uncomplicated last name like Ansbaugh :)

Jess Marie said...

WOOOHOOOOO! WOW! SUPER! AWESOME!! Soooo happy for you guys! :)

circus of love said...
