Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Storm...

Not to overlook this by posting the addition of the new family pet but we had one doozy of a storm on Sunday night. We knew we were supposed to get some thunderstorms which we have lived through plenty of those living in Florida. We have survived many hurricanes so we are used to the storm part, but here in Georgia we hever thought we would have to concern ourselves with tornadoes. Well we lost power around 5:30-6ish and it was off for 8 hours. We turned on the radio to get the weather report around 6 and they said there was tornado that touched down in Butler, where Chad works and was headed for another town just east of us. Well between point A and point B was us. We began to worry and were prepared to go to our "safe area" in the house immediately. The lightning was like someone had a strobe light outside-I had never seen anything like it. The only way we could tell if the wind was getting crazy was from the lightning-we could use the light to look up at the pine trees. Well we never felt that it was close enough to us. We had people from church calling us to make sure we were ok. We really had no idea that the tornado hit just miles from us. When the kids and I went into town yesterday to go to the bank we saw the devastation just minutes from our house. It was amazing. I believe there were 8 structures damaged 3 of which were peoples homes. Only 2 people critically injured in our county. This same line of storms did terrible devastation to Alabama on Sunday also. We were so thankful to be safe. Our prayers go out to those that lost their homes from these storms.


ptamom3 said...

I'm so glad you all were safe! I was in North Carolina so I missed it but Bill said it was pretty rough here. He lost power as well and a couple big branches down, but other than that all was ok.
I'm sorry to hear about the damages and people hurt in your area!
Your dog looks lovely. I've got one you can have if yours ever needs a companion! He's the same color as yours, but a little bigger.
Anyway.. good to "hear" from you as always!
Love, Tammy

Jonatha said...

Wow - that is scary! How awesome that you guys were kept safe, and how sad for those hurt by it. You need one of those weather radios! Is that kind of weather common around there?

justgottalaugh said...

I'm so glad you're safe, too!!

Kristi said...

Hey Stephanie! Congrats about the new baby.