Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Double Doctors!!!

Today was a busy day. I had a specialist appt and a reg ob appt today. We had another sonogram and got to see the little one. This is going to be a short review but everything is well and the baby is looking good. I can't wait to see her/him in person very soon. Where the doctor is at the hospital is in the same building and it was so cool to walk in there and get to see the babies in the nursery and know that we will be there with our little one right around the corner. I know this my third but the emotions are there like it's my first all over again!!


Jess Marie said...

I wish I could speed up the timer for you. You'll be there before you know it. I'm so glad that the baby is healthy and looking good. I'm anxious to find out what you are having. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you.

Jonatha said...

Enjoy these last few weeks - I know that's easy for me to say! :) I can't believe you guys were able to look at the sonogram and not find out whether it is a him or her! You are awesome! I could never sit through one without finding out. We would never plan on knowing, but the temptation was too much... By the way - I forgot to send the power cord for the swing (oops!). I'll mail it sometime next week.

Jennifer said...

It'll be there before you know it. I'm amazed that my son's birthday is Saturday and it seems like just yesterday when I was in the hospital with him. LOL

Stef Layton said...

thanks for checking me out! good luck with the end of your pregnancy! My last pregnancy felt like it was on super slow speed.

circus of love said...

Sometimes day by day it seems so slow and then you blink and the time has flown. It is so fun and exciting!!! So glad the every thing looks good!!!

Jess Marie said...

Just about 5 more weeks! WOOHOO! Hopefully sooner!

ptamom3 said...

I got the shower invite and I'm not sure if I can make it. The girls start school the next day so I may need to be home for them. If I can make it I will. If not I definitely send my love and well wishes!