Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ironic isn't it?????????????

Ok what other point in your life is it ok to put on a lot of weight in such a short amount of time-when you are Pregnant , right? Well I went to my check-up yesterday and to my surprise I lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks. Isnt that crazy? The baby is measuring well and everything looks good so I was just cracking up because I thought-this is the only time in my life and especially at this point in the pregnancy -when you are expected to put on the weight. I think it all evens out-cause at my last check up I think I may have put on a pound or two too much. Anyway just had to share that bit of irony with you. Can you believe only 32 days til my due date? I go to the doctor now every week, so it could really happen at any time. All of my stuff is packed and by the door after Sunday night. I had some minor contractions Sunday night and so hubby thought we ought to have everything ready, since I never had any minor "stuff" with the other two. Have a great day everyone!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Tea Party Time.

On Wednesday, Bailey had a tea party for her closest friends here (actually so close they walked over-and they are not only her friends but her cousins!!) Anyway they had a great time and also had a special visitor paint faces!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wow under 40 days....

Sorry that it seems like I am posting only weekly which is so not fair to some of you because I love reading your daily posts and I only give you a glimpse of my life once a week. I will try and do better. So anyway we are starting school next week and will try to get back to some sort of routine again. We take summers off since hubby is a teacher, so he starts back next week and so do we. Looking forward to see my little man really take off with school-I have to brag about him-he is only 4 and is reading like you would not believe and I really wish I could tell you of some great curriculum I am using or some secret powder I put in his food but I can't-he just simply learned on his own. I guess from working so much with my daughter he just has soaked up everything like a sponge. He just makes me so proud and to think that he really wouldnt even be starting Kindergarten this year-he would have to wait another year. I could not imagine him having to wait another year-and we will probably be starting first grade after the first of the year. Ok enough of my bragging-can you believe I have 39 days-actually I have a feeling it will be less. I never had that feeling with my first two-I actually felt like it would be after my due date-just didnt feel like the bird was done in the oven, but with this one I feel like I could go at anytime now. I cant wait to see what this one looks like. Maybe I am just nervous and just hoping it happens soon-only God knows when it's going to make it's grand entrance into the world!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Double Doctors!!!

Today was a busy day. I had a specialist appt and a reg ob appt today. We had another sonogram and got to see the little one. This is going to be a short review but everything is well and the baby is looking good. I can't wait to see her/him in person very soon. Where the doctor is at the hospital is in the same building and it was so cool to walk in there and get to see the babies in the nursery and know that we will be there with our little one right around the corner. I know this my third but the emotions are there like it's my first all over again!!

Loving the summer trips.....

I know it seems like we are going to Florida every other week, but with the baby due in less than seven weeks we are trying to get down there as often as possible because we know we wont be traveling for awhile after the little bundle arrives!! So we had an amazing WEEK in Florida. We hung out a couple days at my dad's to celebrate my little brother's 13th birthday. Then we took my grandmother to my mom's beach house for a week. (my mom is in Cape Cod!!) So we just absolutely relaxed and just did nothing. It was wonderful. It was so nice to get some spend some great quality time with my grandmother and for my kids to get to hang out with her as well. Chad and Brax went one day with Rod to go fishing and had a great time. A friend of Chad's from Harmony drove over to visit us as well and we were also able to have lunch with Chad's dad. It is hard not to get to see everybody I want to when we go back but the family time has become a priority-not to take away from spending time with anyone else but it's important for the kids to keep those bonds with their grandparents. So I hope you enjoy the vacation pics.....once again.

Guess what-another vacation to Florida!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

No Seriously Folks...........

With my due date being September 1-which just happens to be Labor Day this year(not funny!!) I have been getting a little anxious and making sure I have all my stuff together. Thanks to my amazing friend who has given me just about everything but the baby I really havent had to stress out about too much. We did need a crib and that was something I was just feeling like I wanted to have new -so low and behold I have been researching and trying to find just what I wanted. My hubbie (along with my superior supervision) assembled the crib last week and here it is.

It is set up in our room for now and will be for the first several months or so.

I went yesterday and met up with my best friend(Thanks Mar!!) from high school for lunch and shopped some outlets and found my baby girl and baby boy outfit to have the baby wear home from the hospital. I was so excited to have this done. With less than 2 months (I'll take even a little less) I think I am doing pretty well.

You Wanted Pregnancy Pics??? Well here you go...

I know there has been some requests for some prego pics and I have been really putting it off til I could get just the right shot. Can you believe only 60 days on my counter to go??

Well here you go..................

I'll give you the just out of bed look.................

Then the out shopping and that crazy paparozzi just got my picture so I must show my best side look..........................

It is just amazing what a little make up and styling products will do these days!! Love you all!!!