Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We had snow flurries.

I know I am a little behind but on Saturday we had our first snow at our place here in Georgia. I couldnt believe it. The kids were absolutely loving it. It didnt stick on the ground but it was amazing to watch -I took pictures and will try and get them on here later. It was 20 and snowing on Saturday and today it is supposed to be gorgeous and 70 !! Spring is on the horizon!!! Yipee!!!


ptamom3 said...

I know what you mean about the snow- it was beautiful! I was thinking of you Saturday morning and hoping it would reach you over there! I put a little slide show on mine of the girls playing in it.
Hope you are feeling well!

justgottalaugh said...

Spring-YEAH!!! We saw flowers blooming today on the way to AWANAS- YEAH!!