Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lazy Day.

I know it has been awhile since my last post but I have been trying to pack here and there before we move in 17 days. I have a feverish 8 month old sleeping on me right now so it has forced me to do absolutely nothing but lay around today-the house is a mess with boxes and I think the kids breaksfast things are still on the dining table-they made their own lunch today and ate in the living room while watching tv. I am so thankful that they are both old enough to make a pb and j sandwhich on their own. I really cant believe how much stuff we have to move-some of it I havent even touched since we moved here 2 years ago and yet we are moving it again!! I really dont think we are going to be able to fit everything in the Uhaul-so we may have to leave some and come back and get it over the summer. Here are a couple pics (for those that dont check facebook-which is where I post all my pics). Sorry again for the lack of blogging-I promise to get back to it after we move!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Brody Mack-6 months

It's amazing what 4 hours of interrupted sleep will do for you-whew-I'm on a roll with these posts!!

My little Brody turned 6 months on Tuesday!! I can't believe it has already been that long! He is so different than the other two!! What a gift!!

Callaway Gardens.

Another exciting thing in February was our trip with the cousins to Callaway Gardens!

It was beautiful. Here are a few highlights!!

Quick trip to Florida

This past weekend we made a very quick trip down to Florida. We were going down to see the house we are going to move into in May. Yes we are moving back to Florida-it is very bittersweet. I really love Georgia and totally love our property and having family(really really love this!!) on it as well but there is nothing like having BeBe(and family) and Papa(and family) and Gram within a quick drive after many many many long discussions we are making the move at the end of May. We have already found someone to buy our house and we have already found a house to rent in the beautiful town of Harmony. So anyway we went down to Florida to take a peak at it. It is absolutely gorgeous. Here are a couple pics from the house. (more to come on the move at another time)

And see my mom and my grandmother.

We also were able to see my brother play baseball too!!

February Highlights

Ok my long lost readers-I am not blogging as often as I would like but it's all about quality not quantity right? So here is the first of a few highlights from February!!

We had made a quick trip down to Florida (see next post) and when we returned on Sunday and had been receiving weather reports just about hourly from my dear sis-in-law-she is the local weather girl on Ansbaugh Acres. Well she was giving us the snow update and so by the time we got back it was dark still so we didnt know what to expect.

Here is what was left of it on the sign when we pulled in on Sunday night.

Here was Braxton Monday morning ready to go.

Here they are in the blizzard-lol!!

What a doll!!

Here's Braxton ready to brave the snow or what was left of it anyway).

So needless to say we didnt get to see the best of the snowfall but they were happy to at least see something!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Long time see....

Hey there everyone...once again I have been slacking in the blogging area. I really have good intentions but most of my computer time happens with a 4 month old on my hip and it takes way too long to type with one hand so I apologize. We have been doing well. Brody will be 5 months next Tuesday. I can't believe how the time has gone by-although we are still working on trying to get some sleep at night. We will get it sometime. But on a positive note I did start working out on the elliptical again this week. I have been on it Mon., Tues., and Wednesday this week. Didn't do it yesterday cause the lack of sleep and my neck was hurting. Hopefully this is the start to something good. I am back in my pre-pregnancy clothes but still need to work on that pregnancy flab!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!! love you all!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Love this website and this give-a-way.

I love this website and she is having a Kroger gift card give-a-way which I love Kroger too!! Just had to share!!

Happy New Year!!

I apologize to all 2 of you who read my blog because it has been almost 2 months since my last post. I just have not been motivated to keep it up. I can't believe 2009 is here. What a year 2008 was-I am so blessed to have such an amazing family, had a baby and having wonderful friends and family (whom I miss dearly). Chad and I have been discussing our resolutions lately and I still have not been motivated to set them. I am still not getting enough sleep with our little 4 month old. He is not sleeping through the night and now he has the stuffy nose/cough cold that has been lingering around our family since we made our trip down to Florida (which by the way was great except the kids had fevers just about the entire week and so we didn't go out and visit people like we normally do) So anyway I know I want to get a little more organized this year and I want to start working out again, but I just feel like any extra time I have I am just wanting to catch up on household duties and teach the kids. So blah blah---that is my rambling for the new year. I hope you all have a blessed 2009 and I will try my best to update this more often this year!!