Thursday, September 27, 2007

10 YEARS!!!

Ten years ago on this very day was one of the best days of my life.(Other than being about 35 pounds heavier in this picture) I married a wonderful man!! Today is Chad and I's ten year wedding anniversary. Boy how time flies. I can't believe it has already been ten years. I am so lucky to have found such a great man. He is an amazing father, teacher,coach,brother,son,athlete,and best friend. Marriage is an amazing gift and to be able to share life with your best friend is even better!!! I thank God everyday that Chad is my husband. His family is amazing too. Not only did I get a great husband when I married Chad but I got a great extended family as well. Before we started dating Chad was always known to me as Kitty's older brother, because his sister Kitty and I have been friends since first grade. So now I am able to have ties with Kitty forever because of the marriage. I am so lucky. We have been through so much these past 10 years -looking forward to looking back on the next 10............(just hope it goes by slow!-that would mean I would be 41-oh my!!!)


Jonatha said...

Happy Anniversary! I love to hear about happy marriages. I think being married to a "Chad" is a special blessing. I know mine is! :)

Let me know if you try the omelet!

justgottalaugh said...

We're the lucky ones to have you in our family. You are an INCREDIBLE wife, mother, friend, and sister. I'm sooooooooooooooooo glad Chad caught you :) Love you "sis of ten years!!!!"

Jess Marie said...


I am so happy for you guys! Marriage is tough and many marriages don't make it past 4 years. :)

I have missed you a lot today! Also, thank you for those wise words about Nazareth. So true and they really spoke to my heart. I appreciate your insight.

Feliz Anniversario (i just made up that last word). :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! It's quite a feat now days to make it 10 Years. Have a great anniversary weekend.