Monday, April 7, 2008

The last two weeks.

Whew..........what a whirlwind the last two weeks have been. Chad has had the past two weeks off for Spring Break and it was packed full. We had started off the break with Easter weekend,in which Chad and I were the narrators for our church Cantata-which was wonderful. Then Chad had to coach a game Monday afternoon. After the game we headed down to Florida getting in just after midnight. We stayed until Friday morning. We were able to see both of my brothers play a baseball game, visit family that was down from North Carolina,Chad was able to go visit his old schools, had a great day at the beach,I was able to see a wonderful friend who supplied me with a tremendous amount of baby stuff (thanks Jonatha), and we even fit in a dinner at Kobe (me-the prego was cravin it!!)It was a great week. Then when we came home Friday my dad brought his baseball team from Harmony High School to Macon for a week. They played the school that Chad coached at that Friday night. It was great!! Then they came to our church on that Sunday and the church had a great luncheon for them. That evening we hosted the team at our house for a bon-fire and dogs on the grill. It was a great visit. This past week we had a visit from the Robinsons (and their friend-the stomach bug!) The kids had a blast playing and visiting (well the ones who felt well). We also went and saw my dad's team play again last week against a team about 45 minutes North of us. The baseball team went back on Thursday-the Robinsons left on Friday and I got the bug on Saturday. I am still recovering today while tending to a 4 year old who says his belly hurts. (!) So I apologize for not blogging these past two weeks but if this post didnt explain why well I guess I will have to post some more pics for the proof.


Jonatha said...

You must be exhausted! I'm sorry you guys had the stomach bug and didn't get to fully enjoy the visit :(

Jonatha said...

By the way - I just checked your counter - 147 more days and 19 weeks! WOW!!!

ptamom3 said...

Sorry you all have the yucks! I have to tell you I've been waiting to see a pretty picture of the pregnant momma since I see you are already into the 19th time is flying! Anyway, thanks for your updates- I love seeing pictures of your family. The children are adorable as always.
Love to all!